Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., an international organization comprised of college-educated men, has from its very beginning concerned itself with improving the general well-being of minority groups. Phi Beta Sigma focuses on issues that greatly impact the African American community and the youth of the nation.
The Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., national programs of Bigger and Better Business, Education and Social Action are realized through the Fraternity's overarching program, Sigma Wellness, adopted in 2007. Through its national mentoring program, the Sigma Beta Club, for males ages 8–18, the organization provides opportunities for the development of young men as they prepare for college and the workforce.
The New Orleans Chapter, Theta Beta Sigma, of Phi Beta Sigma hosted the 1946 Conclave in New Orleans at the Dryades Street YMCA. It was stated that:
"The fraternity’s programmatic agenda was now in full bloom." The three- fold programming of Social action, Bigger and Better Business and Education allowed Phi Beta Sigma to address its most immediate pressing "objectives".
This programmatic structure remains in effect today.
The New Orleans 1946 Conclave was the first in which all three program directors offered reports to the delegates.